Extraordinary People with Super Human Skills

Extraordinary People with Unbelievable Super Human Skills

Super Human Skills :- Can you tell the day of any random calendar date and what you actually did on that day? Can you do huge multiplication without calculator? Can you remember the value of pi up to 2000 decimal places? Can you read a book once and recall everything from it exactly? Can you play a music tune on piano listing once? Can you draw a skyline of a city just seeing it once? Can you make 3D Model of any animal in minutes with your bare hands? Well some people can do and much more unbelievable works.

You may have seen documentaries, news stories about amazing people who have some exceptional and outstanding mind powers but at the same time, also suffering from Autism and can’t even perform daily life activities. There are several fascinating cases out there. What is the reason behind these natural phenomena? What is the real source of their mental powers? Are they Xman Mutants?

These cases give us a glimpse of an unknown area even to Science; what is our mind? How it works? And what it can do for us? These cases opened a new research field in Science. The biggest question is that does every normal person, like you and me, have such mental powers in a dormant state. Can we program or train our brain to perform such huge tasks?

There are quite a few people in the world who are misfit in the society but performs mind blowing mental tasks. There are several names for them, Misfit Genius, Savants, Brain-Man etc. Savant literary means a learned person, especially a distinguished scientist.

See video list of savants and extraordinary people

A List of alive Xmen, Savants and Brain-Men

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Super Human Skills

There are only few such persons exists in our times, The advance in Science and media brought them to surface and now we are trying to understands them but, in the past, there would have been Savants, neglected, rejected as mad and sick person by the society due to their weirdness. Let’s quickly see a list of such extraordinary people and their mind blowing minds.

1. Daniel Tammet: The Brain Man

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Super Human Skills

31 January 1979, London, England
Daniel Tammet is a Math Genus With a Beautiful Mind. He memorized and recited the value of ‘Pi’ by memory, up to 22514’th decimal place, it took him 5 hours 9 mins to complete this task. He can perform huge numeric calculations in his mind without knowing it himself that how his mind does that. He says that he doesn’t calculate the long math multiplications, as everyone else does; instead, the digits just appear in his mind. The weirdest part is that, he sees every digit from 1 to 10000 in a distinct shape, size and color in his mind. The longer numerical value such as pi appears to him as a vivid landscape!

He suffers from Asburger syndrome and is an autistic person. He does not have basic social skills in his childhood, but in time a trying to master them, however driving is still a huge task for him.

His Biography has been translated in 20 different languages. He has learnt 10 languages including Islandic Language in a week’s time, considered as a very difficult language to pronounce and master. He can rearrange the chess board by recalling from memory.He wrote three nonfiction books, Born on a Blue Day (autobiography), Embracing the Wide Sky, Thinking in Numbers and several articles. Video Documentary of Daniel Tammet

 2. Kim Peek : The Live encyclopedia

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Super Human Skills

November 11, 1951 – December 19, 2009, Salt lake city Utah, USA
Kim peek was able to memorize any book in one fast reading. He was used to read left page with left eye and right page of the book with his right eye.
Born with missing connections between to hemispheres of brain, he suffered from macrocephaly, damage to the cerebellum, and agenesis of the corpus callosum.
Later his brain made unusual connections resulting remarkable photographic memory. Kim can recall facts from 12000 books he read in Salt lake city library. The character of Raymond Babbitt of movie Rain Man (1988), inspired by Kim.

3. Orlando Serrell: The Calendar Man

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Super Human Skills

Orlando was a normal guy until being hard hit by a baseball on the head in his childhood. He recovered from that accident with a little headache, not told anything about it to his parents, but he found that he can calculate the Calendar dates easily and can recall every day weather and daily activity of that day, after the accident occurred. His case is exceptional in the savant list as he is an acquired savant, as he acquired special skills after the accident not since birth.

4. Rudiger Gamm : The Human Calculator

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Super Human Skills

July 10, 1971, Germany
Rudiger was also a normal guy up to 21, and then some genes started turning him in to the human calculator. Along with large arithmetic calculations in his mind, he can speak backwards and can calculate calendar dates.

5. Derek Paravicini : Blind Musician

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Super Human Skills

Born 26 July 1979, London
Derek is an unusually gifted Musician and an autistic savant. Born prematurely in 25 weeks, peek lost his eyes in oxygen therapy. He can play a piece of music after hearing it once.

6. Gilles Trehin : Urville a City in Mind

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Super Human Skills

1972, Cagnes-sur-Mer, France
Gilles Trehin loved drawing and at the age of 12 he started building an imaginary city with Lego blocks, but as Lego blocks supply ended soon, he turned to paper and pencil. Gilles loved the idea so much that, he imagined entire city and named it ‘Urville’ with 12 million people living in it in several districts. He made 300 huge detailed drawings describing architectural style of each individual building. He wrote a book containing historical, geographical, economic and cultural minute details of Urville.

7. Alonzo Clemons: 3D Model maker

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Super Human Skills

Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Alonzo suffered a severe brain injury as a child and lost general mental capabilities, but on other hand, gained accurate 3D model making ability. He can make sculptures of Animals by just seeing a glimpse of them or 2D photos.
His sculptures sold as much as 45000$ a piece.

8. Jason Padgett : Man of Fractals

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Super Human Skills

Ticomo Wasington, USA
Jason was a normal collage boy, interesting in only two things parties and gym. But one night, when he was returning from a party, he was attacked and brutally beaten by thieves for his 99$ jacket. This trauma put him in severe concussion, a brain injury caused by a blow; usually resulting in loss of consciousness. He recovered from it with a remarkable talent. He started seeing mathematic formulas shapes, Pythagoras theorem and fractals. Even when walking in the park, he sees a layer of shapes, thermos on all objects. Now he is unable to switch off this formula layer from his vision.

Before this incident he was unable to draw anything but now he can draw Fractal diagrams exactly. Amazingly, he can draw visual representation of pi. He is the only person who can do this.Testing shown that after damaging of some parts, his brain tried to utilize some hidden, unused areas to perform same tasks performed by the damaged neurons. Now in this process some new connections in neurons built up, enabling him strange qualities and visions.

9. Ellen Boudreaux: The Songs database, Radar and a clock.

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Super Human Skills

Born prematurely in 1957, Ellen is a rare female savant. Ellen has a huge collection of songs, music and tunes in his mind. She can remember any song with only listening it once. She is completely blind, but can walk without colliding with objects. She has a built in Echolocation Radar system in her mind. She plays chirping sound while walking, her mind can track echo sounds and guides her
Her strange story doesn’t end here, when she was eight years old, her mom gave “time lady” recording to listen. Since that day she can tell exact time up to the second without seeing a clock in her life. This time telling skill has been reported in many other savants also.

Video Documentaries of savants and extraordinary people

Human Mind and it’s Powers

So, what is the matter with them, are they mutant? Are they xmen. No, savants are surely not mutant or xmen, because their DNA is not mutated, and is similar to normal human DNA. The magic lies in the Brain, Neural Networks, and perhaps in our cortex. The cortex is made up of four “lobes”, called the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, and occipital lobe. These lobes have specific areas which perform an exact function such as vision, hearing, control, language, etc.

The Human Mind contains 15 to 33 billion neurons and each neuron is connected with thousands other neurons by a protoplasmic fiber called axon. Each neuron emits signals using axon at the speed of 1-100 meters per second. Some neurons emit signals at the rate of 10 to 100 per second. This signal lasts up to less than a thousandth of a second. Now imagine if you have 33 billion neurons with 1000 connections, you got 33000 billion connections. It is unimaginable that how much memory can be stored in this neural network and how many calculations, mathematics can be done by it, if used to its full potential.

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Super Human Skills

So, these extraordinary people, Savants have an unusual neural network, either by birth or an head injury. There brain has developed a different neural network design. This neural network is developed in one part especially and sometimes connects two different part of the brain, giving extraordinary power to a particular skill whether it is memory, Drawing or calculation.

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Super Human Skills

Search Tags:- Super Human Skills, Super Humans, Extraordinary People, super mind, amazing people, outstanding mind powers, mental powers, Real Xmans, Real life Mutants,  What are Savants