Fish that lives without water!

Amazing Bizarre Fish

Fish that lives without water :- You might find this unbelievable, but it is true. Nature has produces so many diverse and weird creatures that if we haven’t seen actual videos of them, it would have been hard for us to believe. All fishes lives in water; but how long a fish can survive without it? Your answer might be …… up to one minute or so. But the highest record of a fish living without water is incredibly long 4 years!!!
And the winner is a freshwater South African Lungfish, belonging to the subclass Dipnoi, it has remarkable ability to breath in air and can live without water up to 4 years, giving it an evolutionary advantage. They found only in South Africa, Africa and parts of Australia. All Lungfish have two lungs except Australian Lungfish which has only one. There is only six different species has been discovered of this bizarre fish.

Lungfish-species Fish that lives without water
Fish that lives without water

The Longest Drought Survivor

Long droughts are common phenomena in both Africa and Australia. To survive these long droughts, lungfish has evolved (or created by GOD as per the theory of Intelligent Design) many capabilities.
In the droughts, when all water evaporates, other fishes of the pond dies but Lungfish survive due to its ability to breath in the air. But without a water surface it could die due to heat and can be hunted easily by predators, so it digs a deep hole in the mud, by swallowing it and passing it through its gills. Underneath, Lungfish mummify itself and put itself in a suspended animation or hibernation mode by making a cocoon around itself. This cocoon soon hardens by a thick waterproof layer. In this hibernation state Lungfish metabolism reduces up 1/60 than normal. It uses fats and its own mussels as food in this state and produces very little waste materials as urea which is less toxic.
BBC Documentory regarding Lungfish and other creatures living in extreme conditions.

Lungfish waits for rains in this mummified condition patiently. But this long suffering too has an end, when fresh rain waters pours in the mud chambers, the thick layer of cocoon melts and week Lungfish scrawl slowly in search of water pond. A Lungfish does this hibernation cycle many times in its lifetime. The Lungfish has quite large extreme life span, a Australian Lungfish is been reported to be alive in Shedd Aquarium (John G. Shedd Aquarium) since 1933 to till now.

Queensland lungfish Fish that lives without water
Fish that lives without water

 Search Tags :- Fish that lives without water, fish without water, lungfish, amazing fish, hibernating fish, Lungfish,